Equipo para energia renovables
Geräte für Sonnenenergie
Energias Renovables
Solar Charge Controller
Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible CODESO
Energía solar
Reguladores Controladores
Reguladores Solares
Solar controllers have as main function the protection of accumulators against overload, other built-in functions can be: flotation (keep the accumulators charged at a high medium voltage) consumer control (disconnection of consumers when the batteries are empty).

There are different technologies, operations and sizes of regulators. In case of using special accumulators (Gel, NiCd, etc.), it must be ensured that the regulator is suitable for such batteries.

Codeso integral control systems also have other functions such as automatic auxiliary load connection (inverters or consumers), when the system enters a high load level. With these functions you can use leftover energy, when the batteries are full, the normal regulators disconnect the panels and the leftover energy is not used.

You can also see the technical operating details.
Reguladores Controladores
Reguladores Corriente Continua
MPPT PWM Reguladores Controladores
Reguladores Corriente Continua
Equipos Solares Phocos
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Quito, Ecuador, Sudamérica
Phocos Reguladores Controladres Controllers Regler
Energias Renovables America Latina
Charge controller prices America Renewable Energy
reguladores precios Energias Renovables Ecuador Sudamerica
regler Preise Sudamerika Erneuerbare Energien
Equipos Solares Phocos