Solar drinkingwater and electrification project of the community of Kapawi
In case you want to support this and / or other communities contact us by email.
The Achuar Ecological Foundation Kapawi, FAEK, Tel: (593) 3 - 2885 883, 2884 875, mail is advancing the projects together with CODESO.

We are currently looking for partners to finance the water and electrification project with solar energy.
One of the most important community needs of more than 30 families is drinking water and electricity. The only source of sustainable and economically viable energy due to the high cost of air transport is solar energy.

The dream of resident families is to be able to provide this service also to the school, its students and its teachers.

Other projects are ecotourism and productive projects.
The Kapawi community is located in eastern Ecuador, in the Pastaza Province, on the Pastaza River, near the border with Peru.

The Achuar population of Kapawi lives by hunting wild animals, artisanal fish and their farms.

The average monthly gross income of a family is less than US $ 20 or less than 10% of the national minimum income. Much of the economic income is spent on air mobilization.
Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible CODESO
Energía Solar FV CODESO
View of the Kapawi community
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Turismo Tourism Tourismus Ecuador Sudamerica South America Sudamerika
Equipos para Energía Solar
Bilder Pictures Image Fotos Solar panels
Páginas de Fotos - Photopages - Fotoseiten
Fotos Foto Imagen Sudamerica Ecuador
Südamerika Ecuador
Quito Guayaquil Esmeraldas Riobamba Cuenca
Mapas - Maps - Karten
Bombeo Solar Agua Riego Baterias
inyección GRID red eléctrica Bombas de agua con energía fotovoltaica solar Agua caliente solar gratis
Bombas solares de agua sumergibles Lorentz,
Water pumps with solar photovoltaic energy, they do not need transformers, poles. Installation without connection to the public electricity network. Profitable with low daily costs, Irrigation systems, for livestock, with a long useful life.
Solar electric fotovoltaic Litio injection island grid isla
Electric solar systems independent or autonomous. Support and protection of medical and computer equipment, radio communication, electric fences. Photovoltaic panels, MPPT regulators, stationary batteries (lithium), and pure sine wave inverters.